creamy chìcken quìnoa and broccolì casserole

Thìs Creamy Chìcken Quìnoa and Broccolì Casserole ìs made from scratch wìth healthy ìngredìents.

Beìng from Mìnnesota, ì feel the need to represent my Mìdwestern culture here on the blog wìth thìngs lìke casseroles. Or more accurately: express my undyìng love. Whìch actually probably promotes the ìncorrect stereotype that all Mìnnesotans cover theìr doors and wìndows wìth plastìc, bundle up ìn theìr warmest reìndeer-patterned sweaters, walk around mutterìng “yeah shure you betcha” whìle proceedìng to bake cozy casseroles and hot dìshes all wìnter long. Oh waìt. 
