Thìs quìnoa enchìlada skìllet ìs loaded wìth veggìes and tons of spìces. ìt's a lìght and healthy one pan dìsh, perfect for an easy weeknìght meal! ìt's vegetarìan and gluten free, and the leftovers reheat well for lunches!
You know ì’m a huge fan of easy meals and thìs one ìs no exceptìon! ì love that you can make ìt all ìn one pan and just about everythìng on the ìngredìents lìst ìs somethìng that ì usually have ìn my pantry. You can customìze thìs as much as you lìke wìth toppìngs lìke avocado or jalapeno but thìs dìsh has plenty of flavor on ìts own!