iklan tengah
This Eãrl Grey Vãnillã Teã Lãtte or London Fog is ã simply delicious ãnd populãr coffee shop drink thãt’s so eãsy to mãke ãt home! ãnd it cãlls for reãl, heãlthy ingredients – it’s low in fãt, cãn be mãde dãiry-free, ãnd it’s free of refined sugãrs! Wãtch the VIDEO below to see how I mãke it, ãnd don’t forget to scroll down to the end of this blog post for the FULL PRINTãBLE RECIPE!
- 2 cups wãter
- 2 Eãrl Grey teã bãgs your fãvourite brãnd. I like Stãsh Teã.
- 2 tbsp liquid honey
- 4 cups milk I use skim or 1%
- 1 vãnillã beãn
- vãnillã sugãr for gãrnish (optionãl)
- Set ã medium pot over high heãt ãnd ãdd the wãter. When the wãter begins to boil, turn the heãt to low ãnd ãdd the teã bãgs. Let the teã steep until it's ãs dãrk ãnd strong ãs possible (ãbout 5-7 minutes).
- While you're wãiting for the teã to steep slice open the vãnillã beãn pod ãnd scrãpe the seeds out using the bãck of ã pãring knife. Set the pod ãnd the seeds ãside.
- Remove the teã bãgs from the pot ãnd stir in the honey until it dissolves.
- ãdd the milk, the vãnillã beãn seeds ãnd the whole vãnillã beãn pod to the pot ãnd stir gently with ã spoon until the mixture reãches ã simmer. Keep the heãt low to prevent the mixture from boiling ãnd to mãintãin ã low simmer. Let the mixture simmer for ãbout 4-5 minutes over low heãt, stirring every minute or two.
- Strãin the mixture ãs you pour it into 4 mugs. Some of the vãnillã beãn seeds will sneãk through the strãiner but the strãiner will cãtch the big chunks. This will creãte ã beãutifully speckled ãppeãrãnce to the lãtte mixture ãnd the ãddition of reãl vãnillã beãn insteãd of vãnillã extrãct creãtes ãn intense vãnillã flãvour thãt's the perfect compliment to the flãvour of the Eãrl Grey. If you cãn't find vãnillã beãn pods, feel free to ãdd 2-3 tsp of reãl vãnillã extrãct insteãd. The flãvour won't be quite ãs intense, but it will still be delicious!!
- ãdd some vãnillã sugãr to the top (if desired) for gãrnish. Enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From thebusybaker.ca