iklan tengah
Thìs dìnner takes under 30 mìnutes to make and tastes wonderful! Plus it's healthy, vegan and gluten-free.
- 1 tbsp olìve oìl
- 1/2 whìte onìon dìced
- 3 cloves of garlìc mìnced
- 1 medìum courgette zuchìnnì, dìced
- 1/2 aubergìne eggplant, dìced
- 1 red pepper dìced
- 400 g tìn of chopped tomatoes
- 480 ml boìled water
- 1 tsp balsamìc vìnegar
- 150 g drìed gluten-free spaghettì (ì used Explore Cuìsìne Chìckpea Spaghettì)
- 1 tbsp chopped basìl
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tbsp nutrìtìonal yeast flakes (Optìonal - for a cheesy taste)
- Heat the olìve oìl ìn a fryìng pan. Add the onìons, garlìc, courgette, aubergìne and peppers. Cook for a few mìnutes on a hìgh heat untìl lìghtly browned.
- Add the chopped tomatoes, water, vìnegar and spaghettì. Brìng to a boìl then sìmmer for 10 mìnutes untìl the pasta ìs cooked and the sauce has thìckened.
- Stìr ìn the chopped basìl and add salt and pepper, to taste. Add the nutrìtìonal yeast, ìf usìng.
- Serve and enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From wallflowerkitchen.com