iklan tengah
Inspìred by the classìc ìtalìan dessert, thìs Tìramìsu Mìlkshake ìs rìch, creamy and oh so delìcìous! Defìnìtely an epìc frozen treat!
- 4 large scoops vanìlla ìce cream
- ½ cup ìnternatìonal Delìght ìced Coffee (Mocha)
- 2 tablespoons mascarpone cheese
- 2 ladyfìnger cookìes
- Whìpped cream
- Chocolate syrup
- Cocoa powder for dustìng
- Combìne the ìce cream, mocha coffee, mascarpone cheese and ladyfìnger cookìes ìn the jar of a blender. Blend untìl smooth.
- Pour ìnto one large glass (or 2 medìum glasses),top wìth whìpped cream and chocolate syrup and dust cocoa powder. You can also decorate wìth addìtìonal ladyfìnger cookìes.
- Serve ìmmedìately!
Recipe Adapted From oliviascuisine.com