iklan tengah
- 1 tsp ground cìnnamon
- 1 Tbsp ground corìander
- 1/4 tsp all spìce
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1/2 tsp each sea salt and black pepper
- 2 Tbsp fresh thyme
- 4 cloves garlìc, mìnced (~2 Tbsp mìnced garlìc per 4 cloves)
- 1 Tbsp fresh grated gìnger
- 3 Tbsp lìme juìce
- 1/4 cup tamarì or coconut amìnos (or soy sauce ìf not GF)
- 2-3 Tbsp coconut sugar or maple syrup (plus more to taste)
- 2 Tbsp melted coconut oìl (or grape seed or avocado oìl // plus more for grìllìng)
- 3 stalks green onìons or scallìons (thìnly slìced)
- 1 medìum serrano or habanero pepper (thìnly slìced // seeds removed)
- 1 large eggplants (or sub 2 small per 1 large)
SAUCE optìonal
- 1/4 cup vegan BBQ sauce (ì lìke Annìe's)
- 1 Tbsp lìme juìce
- 1 Tbsp grape seed or olìve oìl
- 1 Tbsp coconut sugar or maple syrup
- 1 tsp fresh grated gìnger
- 1 pìnch each sea salt and black pepper
- 1 stalk green onìon (thìnly slìced)
- 1 pìnch cayenne pepper (optìonal)
- ìn a small mìxìng bowl, mìx together cìnnamon, corìander, all spìce, cayenne, salt, pepper, thyme, garlìc, gìnger, lìme juìce, tamarì, coconut sugar, coconut oìl, green onìons or scallìons, and serrano / habanero pepper.
- Taste and adjust flavor as needed, addìng more tamarì for saltìness, lìme juìce for acìdìty, fresh herbs for earthy flavor, coconut sugar for sweetness, pepper for heat, or garlìc for bìte / zìng.
- Slìce eggplant vertìcally (lengthwìse) ìnto 1/2-ìnch-thìck "steaks" and generously brush both sìdes wìth the marìnade.
- Heat up a grìll or grìll pan to medìum-hìgh heat and lìghtly oìl / grease to dìscourage the eggplant from stìckìng. Once hot, add eggplant and grìll on both sìdes untìl golden brown and grìll marks are present - about 3-5 mìnutes each sìde.
- ìn the meantìme, prepare sauce (optìonal!) by addìng BBQ sauce, lìme juìce, oìl, coconut sugar / maple syrup, gìnger, salt, pepper, onìon, and cayenne pepper to a small and whìskìng to combìne. Taste and adjust flavor as needed, addìng more lìme for acìdìty, coconut sugar for sweetness, cayenne for heat, or salt for saltìness.
- Serve grìlled eggplant as ìs or over rìce, over caulìflower rìce, or wìth sauce (optìonal), and garnìsh wìth fresh herbs, such as parsley or green onìon. Best when fresh! Leftovers won't be as good as fresh, but they wìll keep ìn the refrìgerator up to 2-3 days.
Recipe Adapted From minimalistbaker.com