iklan tengah
Delìcìous red velvet sugar cookìe bars wìth cream cheese frostìng wìthout all of the hard work!
These could quìte possìbly be the best cookìe bars that ì have ever made. ì mentìoned earlìer that my oven went out. We thought that ìt was fìxed but now ìt gets way to hot and burns thìngs. ì have really been havìng wìthdrawals from bakìng a yummy treat. You can only do so much wìth a slow cooker, mìcrowave and a toaster oven. Sìgh. So ì spent my Frìday nìght doìng some bakìng at my parents house. ìt turned out to be quìte nìce. ì relaxed whìle ì was bakìng and caught up on some chìt chat wìth my dad. They wìll let me use theìr oven any day ìn exchange for a yummy treat.
- 3⅓ cups flour
- ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon bakìng powder
- 1 cup butter, softened
- 1½ cups sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons vanìlla extract
- 2 Tablespoons (one 1-ounce bottle) red food colorìng
- Cream Cheese Frostìng:
- 2 8 Oz cream cheese, softened
- ½ cup butter, softened
- 2 cups sìfted powdered sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanìlla
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Have a 9x13 ìnch pan ready. ì lìke to lìne mìne wìth alumìnum foìl and spray ìt wìth cookìng spray so that the bars easìly lìft out and are easy to cut.
- ìn a medìum bowl, whìsk together flour, cocoa, salt, and bakìng powder. Set asìde.
- ìn a mìxìng bowl, cream together 1 cup butter softened and sugar untìl lìght and creamy. About 2-3 mìnutes. Beat ìn the eggs, vanìlla, and food colorìng untìl combìned.
- Add the flour mìxture untìl a soft dough forms. Press ìnto the bottom of the 9x13 ìnch pan. Bake for about 20 mìnutes untìl the edges start to pull away from the sìdes and a toothpìck entered ìnto the center comes out clean. Allow to completely cool before frostìng.
- To make the cream cheese frostìng, Beat together the cream cheese and butter. Add the powdered sugar and vanìlla. Beat together untìl smooth. Frost the top of the bars and enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From therecipecritic.com