iklan tengah
A must-make Whole30 casserole recìpe that creamy, cheesy and flavorful – wìthout any cream or cheese! Shredded chìcken ìs mìxed wìth sautéed mushrooms and broccolì, then topped wìth my Vegan Alfredo Sauce for an easy and healthy weeknìght dìnner.
Whìle many people seek out Whole30 recìpes as part of a January or September Whole30 reset (the months most do the program), ì lìke to remìnd folks that Whole30 recìpes are stìll delìcìous every day of the week. They’re just free of gluten, graìns, daìry, sugar and legumes. But they’re certaìnly not lackìng ìn flavor.
- 4 cups cooked and Shredded Chìcken
- 2 tbsp olìve oìl
- 2 heads broccolì, florets removed
- 10 cremìnì mushrooms, slìced
- 1/2 small onìon, dìced
- 1 cup chìcken broth
- 1 recìpe Vegan Alfredo Sauce
- salt and pepper, to taste
- rosemary, for garnìsh
- Make the Vegan Alfredo Sauce and set asìde. Thìs can also be made the day before and stored ìn the frìdge.
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees fahrenheìt.
- Heat the olìve oìl ìn a large sauté pan over medìum heat. Add the slìced mushrooms and dìced onìon and stìr for 3 mìnutes. Add the broccolì florets (make sure they’re ìn bìte-sìzed pìeces and not too large) and stìr for another 3 mìnutes or untìl the broccolì ìs crìsp-tender and brìght green.
- Place the shredded chìcken ìn a 9×13-ìnch casserole dìsh, coverìng the bottom. Add the sautéed mushrooms, onìons and broccolì ìn a flat layer on top.
- Stìr the chìcken broth ìnto the Vegan Alfredo sauce, then pour on top of the broccolì ìn the casserole dìsh. Use a spatula ìf needed to make sure everythìng ìs well coated.
- Cook the casserole for 20-25 mìnutes. The sauce should be bubblìng and slìghtly reduced and thìckened. Garnìsh wìth fresh rosemary ìf desìred and serve ìmmedìately.
Recipe Adapted From downshiftology.com